Sunday, January 23, 2011

LOS AYALA MEXICO and surrounding Towns nearby Tuesday January 18, 2011 -Sunday january 23 2011:)

CHACALA TRIP Tuesday January 18, 2011.

We went on another group trip with Orlando Linda Don and friends. This time to Chacala a beach town about 30 km north of us. We spent all day there at Las Brisas restaurant right on the beach.

We ate food all Day and Veda and I went boogie boarding. While I was in the water I got stung by a small string ray in my foot. I was like a bee sting and the pain lasted about two hours. Cielo at Las Brisas was really nice and got out their first aid kit and even put on some nice young living essential oil on the sting area.

I ate about 5 big plates of Guacamole. Even though the waves were small we had fun all day long.

see more about the beach and town here

Also Cielo's website for her facial and massage business is

DR. Lenny visit, TED'S BIRTHDAY and Beach Day.Wednesday January 19, 2011

I visited Dr. Lenny. His adjustments and exercises are really making a difference in my life.

We also Wished Ted a very Happy birthday as he turned 62 today.


On Wednesday, We headed out early to Sayulita to meet up with Veda's friend Amy and her Mom Laura, both from Victoria Canada. It was a fun trip. We met at the Choco Banana Restaurant

Oh my the Green Goddess smoothie was great. It has Cactus,cucumber,pineapple,cilantro and lime.
It was so delicious that we went back to the restaurant for Lunch later. Al had a total of 4 Green smoothies and had their Vegan veggie wrap which was awesome with the best fresh salsa.

Laura and Amy took us to their bungalow on Calle Limon after breakfast.

Here is a map of where their bungalow is in Sayulita,-105.435233&sspn=0.011649,0.019269&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Limon,+Sayulita,+Nayarit,+Mexico&ll=20.86595,-105.435233&spn=0.011649,0.019269&z=16

After that we all headed to do a bit of shopping. Then after one store Veda,Laura and Amy headed to the beach.

Kathleen and i went shopping at all the boutiques. It was fun and Kathleen got some awesome clothes.

Use the google streetview link above to take a virtual tour of the town if you wish :)

Here is a link to our favourite Store La Hamaca in Sayulita. We bought a hand loomed bedspread plus numerous pillow cases here.

A great day and we are now making our own Green Goddess drinks too. Yum!!


Today I went to see Dr. Lenny again. The exercises are really helping me work with my body to lengthen my neck muscles and move my body regularly. Now the chronic low level pain is  going in my previously stressed body. Thanks/Gracias Dr. Lenny Sugarman!! :)

Kathleen and I hung out on the beach until Sunset. Then We made a salad and I made my yummy Guacamole for the Annual Ribs Dinner . It is a tradition here at El Delfin. We enjoyed everyone's company and at Dinner we really got to know Kirk and Susan a couple from Oregon who lived off the grid for 30 years in Maryland. They are neat people.

Here is an article Kirk wrote for the Baltimore Sun on their lifestyle:

Here are some great pictures from the Ribs Dinner:
 Harry and Fritz getting the ribs ready
Joe and Diane as joe provides music for our listening pleasure

Al and Ted telling some crazy jokes:)

Darienne tries Al's Guacamole

Jan and Ted with big Smiles:):)

Joe Darryl and Angel singing?

Rosa and Angel trying to stay warm in the cold Los Ayala night

Angel and Dorothy enjoying Dorothy's garden corner:)

Susan, Harry and Kirk enjoying a beer together

Darryl, Rosa and Dorothy ready to eat:)

John, Doreen, Ted, Susan and Kirk get the party started

Kathleen and Al finally arrive!

Bill, Marilyn and John

Kathleen Susan and Kirk planning to take the whole world off grid:)
Saturday and Sunday January 22 and 23, 2011 beach days and La Nina effect.

Well if you are reading this in the frozen north it may be hard to understand, BUT both the air temperature and the water temperature are about 5 degrees Celsius colder than last winter. Veda and Kathleen have been cold and in the morning there are high winds.

Kathleen and I go out after 2 PM to the Beach after the winds go for the day. Still Kathleen gets on both wetsuit shirts in order to swim. BRRRR says Kathleen.

Also My Dad had an emergency gallbladder operation on Thursday. Love you Dad and sending love and healing thoughts your way with a big side dish of HUGS and KISSES.
My Uncle Bill(L) and Dad(R in baseball cap) at Our Handfasting Aug. 2010.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

LOS AYALA/Rincon de Guayabitos/LA PENITA MEXICO Monday JANUARY 17, 2011 Chiropractic IN LA PENITA:)

Dr. Lenny visit Laundry and the Monday Rincon Market 

Today we  gave our laundry to the local laundromat which washed dries and folded a large large of laundry all for 90 pesos(about 8.70 CDN). We then took a collectivo with Kathleen and Veda headed to the Rincon crafts market and me headed to see Dr. Lenny my Chiropractor in La Penita. he has me on a complete program of exercises and adjustments over four weeks to reprogram how I hold my body.

I am already finding it is having a major impact on my life.

After we all returned to El Delfin in the afternoon , we hung out on the beach ad swam and walked the beach. About 10 large Jellyfish washed up on beach. They appeared dead and two pufferfish. So only people swimming were AL and John from El Delfin.

We also went shopping for Dinner and  Kathleen created a fresh salsa with cucumber and We ate tortillas and veggies.,Yum!, for Dinner.

We have been watching this TV program by Morgan Spurlock the creator of the Movie Supersize Me called 30 days. We love it. A person has to live 30days in another shoes. It leads to some great family discussions:)
 Here the link that talks about the premise of the show

Well we are off to Chacala today with Orlando y Linda and the gang and Thursday we are bringing Veda to Sayulita to visit her friend Amy.

Hasta luego Al, Kathleen y Veda :):):)

Monday, January 17, 2011


Los Ayala Hat/Swimsuit shopping beach day/Sergio's Bar Los Torres Saturday January 15, 2011

I got up at 5 AM, worked on the blog then went snorkeling at 7AM. Nice Hike through to the beach. The waves were big though and the water was silty so no good Snorkeling. After a brief swim I went back to El Delfin. We went shopping in los Ayala where I got a hat. Kathleen got a sexy new bathing suit and flip flops. 

We got a pineapple megalopolis from Marie y Pablo and Three coconuts and hung out on the beach.

Marie with a pineapple megalopolis she created:)

Later after 5 PM we took the Collectivo over to La Penita to see our friend Sergio(SIR HE O) at the bar he is managing. Al managed to mangle a couple of Karaoke songs at the bar. Veda and Kathleen went off for the best fish tacos in La Penita and I  had lime and water at the bar. Sergio and i talked and laughed until Veda and Kathleen returned.

Sergio is working 6 days a week with Thursdays off then when prime tourist season hits he will be working 7 days a week for two months.

He is a good man who provides for his family:)

Sergio(R) giving Al the hang loose sign on the beach,Los Ayala :)
Sergio as Awesome tour guide
Sergio explains about the banana flower:)

From Los Ayala HIKE to El Monteon Beyond Alta Vista hot springs Sunday January 16, 2011

This Am I slept in and snuggled with Kathleen until 7 AM. i then went hiking with John,Doreen,Fritz and Jan for two hours through Jungle farm fields beach roads and all the way to the country  town of El Monteon.

(LtoR) Al, Doreen,Fritz and John. Picture by Jan
Restaurant above Punta Raza Beach
View at top of El Monteon ridge over the valley
(LtoR) John, Doreen, Al and Fritz. Picture by Jan
(LtoR) John and Doreen. Picture by Jan
AL and beagle at river  bridge. Picture by John

It was a great hike.

After I returned home Veda Kathleen and I prepared for our trip to the Hot Springs. We all got in a taxi (9 people Orlando y kinda,Don Darryl,mystery woman Lupita,Kathleen Veda and I) Our driver Fernando was nice and friendly. The road went past Alta Vista and though Dirt was good for about 5 miles. Then it got worse and also because the 6 cylinder van did not have a 1st gear. We often had to get out, so the Van could make it up the hills. We made it there after about 2 hours.

Great pools. We had fun meeting all the Mexican families and soaking in the hot water. We had lunch and then we took a different way back that was longer(36 km there and about 80 km back as we wanted smoother road...It still took about the same amount of time to get back home.

More pictures at this link:

What a great day

Hasta luego Al:)