Tuesday, January 18, 2011

LOS AYALA/Rincon de Guayabitos/LA PENITA MEXICO Monday JANUARY 17, 2011 Chiropractic IN LA PENITA:)

Dr. Lenny visit Laundry and the Monday Rincon Market 

Today we  gave our laundry to the local laundromat which washed dries and folded a large large of laundry all for 90 pesos(about 8.70 CDN). We then took a collectivo with Kathleen and Veda headed to the Rincon crafts market and me headed to see Dr. Lenny my Chiropractor in La Penita. he has me on a complete program of exercises and adjustments over four weeks to reprogram how I hold my body.

I am already finding it is having a major impact on my life.

After we all returned to El Delfin in the afternoon , we hung out on the beach ad swam and walked the beach. About 10 large Jellyfish washed up on beach. They appeared dead and two pufferfish. So only people swimming were AL and John from El Delfin.

We also went shopping for Dinner and  Kathleen created a fresh salsa with cucumber and We ate tortillas and veggies.,Yum!, for Dinner.

We have been watching this TV program by Morgan Spurlock the creator of the Movie Supersize Me called 30 days. We love it. A person has to live 30days in another shoes. It leads to some great family discussions:)
 Here the link that talks about the premise of the show


Well we are off to Chacala today with Orlando y Linda and the gang and Thursday we are bringing Veda to Sayulita to visit her friend Amy.

Hasta luego Al, Kathleen y Veda :):):)

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